mardi 20 mars 2018

Visceral​-Involución Parasitoide (New Standard Elite​)

Seven fucking years have passed since the release of the debut album "Macabra Realidad de Caos y Letargo" and Visceral is finally ready to give us their second fucking opus entitled "Involución Parasitoide" continuing in the same fucking way of brutality and even superior at all fucking levels! This bestial Chilean fucking horde performs a chaotic Brutal Death Fucking Metal with a high technical side reducing to dust everything in its fucking path with a solid composition without being perfect! Visceral offers 10 songs, including an intro, which are all  fucking excellent having no really weak moments but lacking a lot of memorable parts that reduces the addictive level of this second fucking effort! Despite this negative side, the composition is very well done with its catchy fucking parts and a few songs better than others but in general this piece of fucking shit is brilliant in all fucking aspects! The production is very fucking good and interesting but could have been more raw and less overproduced, the mixing in general is well done and this shit still sounds like a destructive apocalypse emerging from your fucking speakers! "Involución Parasitoide" make us feel being into some cataclysmic devastation and struck by the cold and chaotic fucking atmosphere passing through us in the form of an extreme auditory brutal fucking lightning! Visceral is Cristian (Vocals), J. Manuel (Guitars/Vocals), Pedro (Bass), Felipe (Drums) and the four sickos, despite not being perfect, are delivering a solid and killer fucking songwriting and offering a second album of amazing fucking quality! Cristian on vocals is fucking sick with a powerful guttural, J. Manuel and Pedro are fucking crazy giving an insane composition and Felipe on drums destroy everything in its fucking way with a great and insane fucking drumming! "Involución Parasitoide" is around 30 minutes of pure fucking brutality having everything to be a fucking must in the genre and, despite lacking on the addictive level, still have its catchy and brutal fucking moments! After all these years, Visceral didn't disappoint us and delivered an amazing second release which, despite some flaws, is highly recommended to all sickos enjoying to some true fucking brutality! Intense Fucking Piece of Chaotic Fucking Brutality! 9/10

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